All about Josh - AKA Mosh

Monday, January 21, 2008

Josh's Fourth Birthday Party

We had a magic themed party this year... I thought it was a good idea at the time! It all started when Scott showed Josh some magic tricks about six months ago, and ever since then everything was 'magic!'. We booked a magician named Crazy Pete. Kel had seen him at Mumbo Jumbo before. But the week before the party Josh started saying how he didn't want a magic party, or a magic man at the party. So I tried to talk him into it. We got a magic trick set and I showed him some tricks. He got right into it, with "Ladies and Gentlemen", "Abracadabra!", and making the magic rings pull apart. A while ago I asked him what cake he wanted (I was dreading doing a rabbit coming out of a hat!). Luckily for me he said he wants a number four. So I took him to the cake shop and showed him all the tins and he still wanted a four - so that was that! I just wasn't really in the mood for an extravagent cake this year! I was happy with it in the end - even if it did look like a Starlight Foundation cake!!!

The party started well with my Nan and Pop arriving first. Josh raced into the kitchen to tell me that my Grandma and Grandpa were here! I think it made their day that he remembered who they were. And they also got some great comments while he was opening their present..."That's a cool present".

The magician turned up, and Josh cracked it big time! He went off in a huff because he "didn't want a Magic Man!". In the end we worked out that he was upset because he wanted to be the magic man. So I gave him his magic hat, and wand and he stood up in front of everyone and performed a magic trick.
Crazy Pete was great! Some of the highlights were when he turned Mark's $20 note into a $5 note! The look on Mark's face was priceless! The whole rest of the show you could see that he just wanted the rest of his money back! Mum's watch got taken off her wrist without her even noticing! Josh's friend Laura was so excited by the whole show she could barely contain her excitement - she screamed and laughed the whole time.

All in all it was a fun (but exhausting) day. And it couldn't end before we got our traditional birthday family photo at the letter box!!!

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