All about Josh - AKA Mosh

Monday, January 21, 2008

Funny Stories

We were at the playground in Point Lonsdale and Josh is very friendly with the other kids and always introduces himself to everyone. There was a group of three girls (probably sisters?). One was about Josh's age and the next two were older. The two older sisters were trying to set their little sister up with Josh! They even got him to take off his sunnies so they could see what colour eyes he had, and they asked how old he was (where he went on and on about how is is three now but he will be four next week). They pushed their sister to try and get her to kiss him, they made her follow him down the slide together, and when we were about to leave she ran up to him and said "Bye, I love you". Then she ran off. I said to Josh, don't you want to say goodbye to your friends... "Nah, lets go home"
So cute, and so funny to watch.

Funny story number 2: Josh got given a Thomas plastic battery operated train set (it was a freebie too - so lucky to get it, its worth over $100). He was dying to play it yesterday morning, but it is too noisy when Kel is asleep.
Josh: I'll go wake Dad.
Me: no, he'll be grumpy.
Josh: Then you go wake Dad!
Me: No, then he'll be grumpy with me
Josh: I'll go tell Dad that Sam bumped his head!

Cheeky thing! Because the day before Sam stepped on a piece of glass and it was bleeding everywhere and I freaked out and told Josh to quickly go wake Dad. Sam had bumped his head, but it was nothing to worry about... but Josh must have decided that was a good way to get Dad up!!!

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