All about Josh - AKA Mosh

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Three little letters, one BIG word!

I read once that a two year old will ask "What?" and a three year old will ask "Why?". Since Josh turned three I have been dreading that three letter word! I almost banned people from saying that word in our house! And it worked... until last week, when all of a sudden we were being asked "Why?" to almost everything we said!

Josh tried to make a phone call yesterday to number 123456789. The operator came back with "That call could not be connected". Josh asked her "Why?".

Another new question is "What's your favourite?". Sometimes that is the entire question, and I had to explain that you need another word at the end of that sentence! For the last couple of days he has been asking everyone "What's your favourite name?". He asked the lady at the post office that and she had no idea what to say!

When I asked Josh what his favourite food was, he said Thomas cake (so I guess that second birthday cake has left a lasting impression!). His favourite tv show is Thomas - of course! His favourite colour is blue - because Thomas is blue. And then he gets sick of it and answers everything with "Nothing".