All about Josh - AKA Mosh

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

We went to visit a train one day

One fine Sunday we decided to go for a walk to the weir, where the train crosses the bridge. It was a very long walk... especially for short three and a half year old legs. But it was pretty exciting! We were going to see the steam train coming back from Ballarat.
Eddie came with us, and here is a photo of the two mates together...

Along the way we saw five Purple trains (the new VLocity trains). These are Josh's favourite trains, because they are quiet and fast. Not like the noisy steam trains!

We made it to the bridge with a bit of time to spare, so the two older boys set off for a walk to go exploring...

Finally the time arrived... we could hear it coming from a long way off. And then we could see the smoke. We had to be quick to get some photos...

Probably the most exciting bit for Josh was when a purple train drove past and we waved, and the train driver tooted back to us!

If I get really clever I might even be able to upload some video...

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