On Saturday 24th March we finally did something I have been meaning to do for ages now... we took Josh to see the Day out with Thomas show! I loved it of course! I think he was most excited to see the Fat Controller! We got to go for a ride on Thomas (same carriages as Puffing Billy) and then we watched the show where Thomas had dirty water in his boiler.
A funny story happened in the morning before we left though...
I gave Josh a brochure about Thomas and told him it was his ticket so he had to look after it. All that morning if he did anything naughty or didn't do what he was told I said that we wouldn't go see Thomas. If I found the ticket lying around I told him he wouldn't be able to see Thomas without the ticket. Kel was in the shower so I went in the bathroom to hurry him along. When I came out, Josh was crying hysterically. I thought he must have hurt himself again (daily occurance in this house!). I asked him what was wrong and I managed to get out of him (between sobs) "Sam ate my ticket". I looked down and Sam had chewed up bits of ticket all around his mouth. I saved as much as I could, and I was trying so hard not to laugh (bad mummy!). Then I had to explain to Josh that Sam didn't mean it, he just puts everything in his mouth, he shouldn't have left it on the floor, etc etc. I said he can still go on Thomas, it's ok. But he was still upset so I had to go on the internet and print off a new brochure / ticket for him.